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(required) List of accepted file types. Either as string or AcceptedFileType. When providing a list of AcceptedFileType, the accepted file types will be presented in a table(see example).
filesAmountLimitnumber(optional) Defines the amount of files the user can select and upload. Defaults to 100.
(optional) Defines the max file size of each file in MB. Use either 0 or false to disable. Defaults to 5 MB.
titlestring(optional) Custom text property. Replaces the default title. Can be disabled using false.
textstring(optional) Custom text property. Replaces the default text. Can be disabled using false.
skeletonboolean(optional) Skeleton should be applied when loading content.
(optional) Spacing properties like top or bottom are supported.


The accepted file type object is used to define file max size for specific file types.

When providing a list of AcceptedFileType to Uploads acceptedFileTypes, the accepted file types will be presented in a table. Here is an example.

The table is sorted descending by maxFileSize. Multiple fileType for the same maxFileSize is sorted alphabetically ascending by fileType.

fileTypestring(required) The name of the accepted file type.
(optional) Defines the max file size of the given file type in MB. Use either 0 or false to disable. If not provided, it defaults to the value of Uploads fileMaxSize which defaults to 5 MB.


All translation keys listed in the translations table below, can be used as a component property (like title or text).

More info about translations can be found in the general localization and Eufemia Forms localization docs.

Upload.titleLast opp dokumenterUpload documents
Upload.textDra & slipp eller velg hvilke filer du vil laste opp.Drag & drop your files or choose files to upload.
Upload.textSingularDra & slipp eller velg hvilken fil du vil laste opp.Drag & drop your file or choose which file to upload.
Upload.fileTypeTableCaptionTillatte filformater og maks filstørrelseAllowed formats and max. filesize
Upload.fileTypeDescriptionTillatte filformater:Allowed formats:
Upload.fileSizeDescriptionMaks filstørrelse:Max. filesize:
Upload.fileAmountDescriptionMaks antall filer:Max. number of files:
Upload.fileSizeContent%size MB%size MB
Upload.buttonTextVelg filerChoose files
Upload.buttonTextSingularVelg filChoose file
Upload.loadingTextLaster oppUploading
Upload.errorLargeFileFilen du prøver å laste opp er for stor, den maksimale støttede størrelsen er %size MB.The file you are trying to upload is too big, the maximum size supported is %size MB.
Upload.errorAmountLimitDet er begrenset hvor mange filer du kan laste opp (%amount).There is a limit to how many files you can upload (%amount).
Upload.errorUnsupportedFileFilen du prøver å laste opp er ikke støttet.The file you are trying to upload is not supported.
Upload.fileListAriaLabelopplastede fileruploaded files
Upload.errorRequiredDu må laste opp minst en fil.You must upload a file.
Upload.errorInvalidFilesFjern alle filer som har feil.Remove all files that have errors.